th3g1vr – a philosophical journal

a collection of independently-derived speculations, cornerstoned in self-analysis

Archive for August, 2009


Posted by Justin Benjamin on August 17, 2009

Note: this is actually a 2 years overdue update to my post todo list for my life, but the difference in my goals in the past few years has changed so much, you can only barely see the resemblance, so I’ll keep it up there for comparison.

This is a todo list for my life, and is arranged by priority.

  1. Publish Several books on philosophy, self-improvement, psychology, self-analysis; and several non-fiction novels: a long series of autobiographical novels, and tributes to notable controversial figures.
  2. Complete the Job Corps Computer Repair Training program after receiving certifications in A+, Network+, Security+, and Linux+.
  3. Develop several meaningful relationships with people, and trust and open up to the world, instead of just living in my own little world.
  4. Achieve a supernatural level of intimacy with my girlfriend.
  5. Build an ambitious Core 10 plan for my life, and implement it.
  6. Create a profile of sociological behaviors and relationships, build a comprehensive system based on that profile, and apply it to my life.
  7. Fulfill several self-proclaimed prophesies, and dramatically enhance my spiritual life.
  8. Make enough money off of writing alone to be self-sufficient.
  9. Find my direction in life and discover my purpose.
  10. Receive Bachelor’s degrees in Computer Science, Philosophy, English, and Japanese, and a Phd in Sociology.
  11. Create and market hundreds of multimedia products (with an emphasis on inspirational material), including novels, short stories, poetry, manga, anime, music, video (skits), clothing, and movies.
  12. Become a multimillionaire by building an aggressive Internet portal containing a large and diverse selection of self-produced media (see #5), with an emphasis on unification of inspirational material.
  13. Get married, and travel the world for several years (having kids in various countries), exploring and learning about various cultures.
  14. Use all that I will have learned and experienced up to this point (#13) to dramatically improve the quality of life in the world as a whole, and contribute to obsoleting society as we know it.

“Since a person doesn’t necessarily need to ask questions to get answers- why even ask? It would be a lot more efficient and a whole lot less worrisome. If we bypass the questions and find the answers on our own. For that reason, I try to never ask questions, but just seek out the answers. Life’s a lot simpler like that.”

– Me

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